ECEA Final email of the semester

Mihir U Shah mushah at
Tue Dec 6 19:33:39 EST 2011

Hello Ambassadors!
Firstly, I'd like to announce the results of last week's election, for those of you who were unable to make it. The officers for Fall 2011 are as follows:
Nick Kwolek - President
Jacob  - Vice President
Will - Secretary
Bikram - Treasurer
Congratulations to the new officers!

A big thank you for all the work you have done this semester, and a special thanks for your dedication to graduating students who will no longer be part of the group next semester! 
It was an honor leading the ECE ambassadors.

Good luck with the projects/exams that stand between you and the end of this school year!
Thanking You,
Mihir Shah
Electrical and Computer Engineering Ambassador
MFRI Database Manager
Engineering 132 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Purdue University

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