ECEA -First Meeting of the semester

Mihir U Shah mushah at
Sat Aug 27 15:04:26 EDT 2011

We are having our first meeting of the semester on 8/30 at 6 pm in EE 118. We have quite a few events to schedule. Since attendance is mandatory, please send an email to Nick (nkwolek at if you cannot make it. I am sorry for resending this email. Earlier the new ambassadors werent part of the list. Please keep in mind throughout this semester we will have our meeting on tuesdays at 6pm.

See you all there!

Thanking You,
Mihir Shah
President,Electrical and Computer Engineering Ambassador
Business Analyst Intern,GE-Dresser inc.
MFRI Database Manager
Engineering 132 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
Purdue University

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