ECEA Request and meeting reminder

Madalina Vintila mvintila at
Mon Oct 4 14:39:11 EDT 2010

Hello Ambassadors,

I still need 2 volunteers for the luncheon hosted on Friday by Prof Balakrishnan to honor Dr. Cleve Moler. It will take place, as announced before, at 11.30 am (until 1 pm) on Wednesday October 6th.

Also, Prof Balakrishnan would like to have a student escort for the day for Dr Moler. If your day is somewhat free on Wednesday and you would like to get to know the founder of MathWorks, please let me known ASAP.

Finally, please do not forget about our next training session, on ambassador duties and expectations at events. Our guest, Geni Greiner, Conferencing Director at Purdue, will be giving a talk at 6.15 pm in our regular meeting room, EE118. This meeting is mandatory to all new ambassadors (as of last spring or this fall), please send any relevant excuses to Dan (daguiar at if you cannot attend.


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