ECEA Event Saturday (5 people)

Aaron Hershberger athershberger at
Thu Jan 14 18:20:40 EST 2010



I hope the new semester is off to a good start.  Sorry for the short notice,
but I apparently sent this email earlier this week to a non-existent address
that still receives mail.  Before our first meeting, we have three events
that need filling.


1)       This Sat. 10:45am-12pm (these are maximums) we need 5 people to
attend Scholar's Day to talk to people at ECE's booth in MSEE.  You'll also
find this event on the ECEA calendar.  Note: at least one person with a key
to HKN needs to volunteer so we can get demos from the lounge


2)       A week from tomorrow the dept. is hosting TI's Jim Bender for the
ECE 400 lecture.  We need 2 people to have lunch with him at the Sagamore
Restaurant from 11am-12pm.  Details also on the calendar.


3)       Tour tomorrow for a father and son visiting Purdue at 2:30pm (1
person).  I'll get you more details such as where if you're the lucky


Sign up for these events via email.  First to volunteer get the spots; also,
if we don't fill them up soon, I'll just keep sending emails to teach you a


Also, you'll see that our first meeting is next Wed. at 5:30 in EE 118 (our
usual spot), I'll send out another reminder next Tues.  Email Dan
(daguiar at if you can't make it.


Aaron Hershberger

ECE Ambassadors President


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