ECEA FWD:Tour of the ECE facilities for Monday April 12, 2010

Aaron Hershberger athershberger at
Fri Apr 9 13:09:41 EDT 2010

If you're available for the following opportunity, let me know. Aaron ---------- Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynn Stevenson
Sent: 4/9/2010 5:04:52 PM
To: aaron t hershberger
Subject: Tour of the ECE facilities for Monday April 12, 2010

Would it be possible for you to arrange for an ECE Ambassador to provide
a tour of the ECE facilities for a prospective student and his family,
Monday, 4/12/10 at 3:00 or 3:15 pm?


Lynn Stevenson
Assistant to ECE Undergraduate Coordinator
Purdue University
765-494-3390 (phone)
765-494-3393 (fax)

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