ECEA Fwd: Engineering Attributes Survey**Only 10-15 min**PRIZES AWARDED

Cathy Strickland cathystrickland at
Fri Dec 11 14:50:41 EST 2009


See attached.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <jdebacke at>
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:55 PM
Subject: Fwd: Engineering Attributes Survey**Only 10-15 min**PRIZES AWARDED
To: slatercg at


Please see below.


----- Forwarded message from dsangam <dsangam at> -----
   Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 20:52:39 -0500
   From: dsangam <dsangam at>
Reply-To: dsangam <dsangam at>
 Subject: Engineering Attributes Survey**Only 10-15 min**PRIZES AWARDED
     To: jdebacke at

I would appreciate if you could forward this message to ECEA members.


We are conducting a study about how global educational experiences can
provide students with transformative learning experiences and enhance
their attainment of desirable knowledge and skills. The target
population for this study is engineering students at all levels,
engineering faculty, and industry partners. We are eager to know what
you think about desirable attributes for engineers, and possible
pathways for attaining such attributes.

We invite you to participate in our study by taking an online survey
that will require approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All student
participants will be entered into an opportunity drawing for a $25 gift
certificate for a local shop or restaurant (Vonšs, Greyhouse, University
Bookstore, etc.). The probability of winning a gift certificate is 1/33.

Participation in this study is strictly voluntary, and you can withdraw
your participation at any time without penalty. Your decision not to
participate has no negative consequences for you. Please also note that
all participants should be 18 years of age or older.

You can complete the survey by clicking on the link below:

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Deepika Sangam
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
Armstrong Hall, #1337, 701 West Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Phone: (765) 494-4719
Email: dsangam at

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