ECEA Another Meeting, Nominations, & Summer

Matt Rockey mrockey at
Wed Apr 8 19:45:50 EDT 2009

Hello ECE Ambassadors,

The end of the semester is coming up, and there are several business matters
to take care of:

#1.        By general consensus, we have decided to hold an election to
decide next Fall's executive officers. In order to conduct this and other
end of the semester business, we have decided to hold one final meeting
during Dead Week, so three weeks from tonight, on Wed, Apr. 29th, at 5:30pm.
In order to expedite that meeting, nominations will be done by e-mail,
starting today through 11:59pm on Tues, Apr. 28th, the day before the


Official Call for ECEA Officer nominations:

Please send your nominations for the offices of President, Vice President,
Treasurer and Secretary to:

Matt Rockey @ mrockey at

            Deadline for admission: Tues. Apr 28th, 11:59pm

#2.        Another concern is what happens over break. We have the
opportunity to participate in several activities around the country over the
summer, so if you either are planning on living in the Purdue area over
summer OR are planning on staying near the Indianapolis, Chicago, or Palo
Alto, CA areas over summer and would be willing to participate in unique
ECEA opportunities, please e-mail me back so I can compile a list of
possible volunteers.

#3.        Please watch for e-mails in the upcoming days about opportunities
to get involved in several activities that were introduced at the meeting


Thank you for your time. If you cannot make it to the meeting on April 29th,
please let me know ASAP so we can figure out who can and cannot be there,
and possibly reschedule for a better time.


Matt Rockey

Secretary, ECEA

mrockey at



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