[Cce-graduates-list] CEGSAC - Newsletter October 2024

Malladi, Prathyusha pmalladi at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 10 11:23:07 EDT 2024

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OCTOBER 10, 2024

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Say Hello to the New Board!

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Hosein Pourgholamali


mpourgho at purdue.edu<mailto:mpourgho at purdue.edu>

Hosein is PhD student in Transportation Engineering.

He enjoys doing outdoorsy stuff, like biking or hiking. He also likes exploring pizzerias to find the best pizza in different towns.

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Andrew Coble


coble0 at purdue.edu<mailto:coble0 at purdue.edu>

Andrew is a first year MSCE student with a structural concentration. He went to Olivet Nazarene for his undergraduate degree and was a member of their swim team. Andrew enjoys anything sports related, tennis, pickleball, golf, etc.

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Justin Schwartz


schwarjl at purdue.edu<mailto:schwarjl at purdue.edu>

Justin is a MSCE student with a structural concentration and Graduate Research Assistant at Bowen Lab. He likes to play tennis, pickleball, and golf. He also likes to go camping, enjoy nature, and make smores! He loves to go sightseeing and has many places yet to travel to before that is fulfilled.

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Mithun Debnath


mdebnat at purdue.edu<mailto:mdebnat at purdue.edu>

Mithun is a PhD student in Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering. In his free time, he enjoys watching games, cooking, biking, and loves watching the mountain and ocean at the same time.

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Deepak Benny

PGSG Senator

dbenny at purdue.edu<mailto:dbenny at purdue.edu>

Deepak is a PhD student in Transportation Engineering.

Deepak is passionate about travel, juggling a PhD, and enjoying family life with his two little ones.

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David Holguin-Mejia

Co-chair, Professional Development committee

dholguin at purdue.edu<mailto:dholguin at purdue.edu>

David is a Masters student in Transportation and Infrastructure Systems Engineering.

David loves to cook, swim, play volleyball and take pictures.

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Elijah Ruiz

Co-chair, Professional Development committee

ruiz227 at purdue.edu<mailto:ruiz227 at purdue.edu>

A Masters student in Structural Engineering, Elijah enjoys running, hiking, and playing the Tuba!

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Jacob Johnson

Co-chair, Professional Development committee

john2780 at purdue.edu<mailto:john2780 at purdue.edu>

Jacob is a MSCE student in Construction Engineering focus. Jake taught himself to play guitar in his senior year at Purdue and is currently teaching himself a foreign language.

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Namith Sunil Kumar

Member, Professional Development committee

nsunilk at purdue.edu<mailto:nsunilk at purdue.edu>

A Masters student in Hydrology and Hydraulics, Namith likes to play badminton & chess.

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Myles Overall

Chair, Sports Health and Wellness committee

moverall at purdue.edu<mailto:moverall at purdue.edu>

A PhD student in Transportation Engineering, Myles loves Ice Hockey.

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Luke Barckholtz

Member, Sports Health and Wellness committee

lbarckho at purdue.edu<mailto:lbarckho at purdue.edu>

A Masters student with Thesis in Structural Engineering, Luke enjoys being competitive and playing games of all kinds- from sports to board & card games (Catan!!)

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Bhavesh Kumar Sharma

Member, Sports Health and Wellness committee

sharm990 at purdue.edu<mailto:sharm990 at purdue.edu>

A MSCE student in Environmental Engineering concentration, Bhavesh has a deep passion for soccer. He also enjoys playing cricket, badminton and volleyball.

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Prathyusha Malladi

Co-chair, Office of Public Relations

pmalladi at purdue.edu<mailto:pmalladi at purdue.edu>

A PhD student in Structural Engineering, Prathyusha enjoys painting and reading books.

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Edwin D. Patino

Co-chair, Office of Public Relations

patino7 at purdue.edu<mailto:patino7 at purdue.edu>

Edwin is a PhD student with a Structural Engineering Concentration. He enjoys baking and building Lego sets.

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Laasya Sridhar

Co-chair, Office of Public Relations

lsridhar at purdue.edu<mailto:lsridhar at purdue.edu>

A MSCE student in Construction Engineering and Management, Laasya believes in a former life, she was coffee.


Dr. Dulcy M. Abraham

CEGSAC Faculty Advisor

dulcy at purdue.edu<mailto:dulcy at purdue.edu>

Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering.


Jenny Ricksy

CE Graduate Office Advisor

jricksy at purdue.edu<mailto:jricksy at purdue.edu>

Graduate Program Administrator.

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Food Bank Volunteering

January 26, 2024

In its efforts to give back to society, CEGSAC partnered with Food Finders Bank, a food pantry that provides food to those in need and advocates to end food insecurity. A food bank volunteering event was organized on the 26th of January 2024, where interested students volunteered for Food Finders Bank. The event was a great success, with the participants bonding and enjoying their time there.

Spring Festival

February 10, 2024

The spring festival was nothing short of smiles and a happy time spent together. For some, it was a chance to make a home far away from their own and, for some, a place to learn about new cultures. The event was a fantastic time for people to bond over food, smiles and stories.

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Basketball Game

January 21, 2024

Hustling between classes, homework and assignments, watching a basketball game is perfect for taking some time off and relaxing. The Purdue Vs IU Women’s Basketball game event brought people with shared interests together to have an evening of fun and create lasting memories.

Research Bytes

February 15, 2024

This event was a wonderful opportunity for both the participants and the attendees. The participants were provided with a platform to showcase their research, and the attendees had an opportunity to learn about the department's ongoing research activities. The event saw four speakers talk about their research projects in the structural and transportation engineering concentrations.

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Ice Skating with CEGSAC

February 02, 2024

Winter was definitely not gloomy for the CE grads, with the most exciting Ice-Skating event by CEGSAC. With the warmth of hot cocoa and taking baby steps into learning ice skating, not to mention the numerous thuds you hear each second, the ice-skating event was nothing short of a winter wonderland for the participants. The joy of watching your friends fall in the rink is unmatchable; on the other side, that night was the start of many new friendships, people holding hands, trying to find their way through the rink and life.


CEGSAC Welcome Week

August 15-16, 2024

CEGSAC, in association with the CCE department, organized a breakfast for the graduate students, faculty and staff as part of its welcome week activities. The event marked the perfect start to the fall semester for the students, faculty, and staff. A chat session was organized the following day to discuss funding opportunities and student life at Purdue. The event concluded with a HAMP and campus tour for the students and a snack at Buffalo Wild Wings.

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August 10, 2024

CEGSAC’s sports, health and wellness committee organized a kayaking event on the 10th of August. The perfect weather made the evening beautiful, and our participants had the most fun kayaking in Wildcat Creek as the summer neared its end.

Purdue Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series

with Dr. Jerome Hajjar

September 12, 2024

The Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering hosted a talk by Dr. Jerome F. Hajjar, the CDM Smith Professor, University Distinguished Professor and department chair in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northeastern University on the 12th of September 2024. Dr. Hajjar shared his views and work on “Urban Engineering: New Strategies for a Resilient and Sustainable Future”. The lecture was followed by a Panel discussion on the topic “Designing for Climate Change & Sustainability: Civil & Construction Engineering Perspectives”. This event was concluded with a “Research Showcase” organized by CEGSAC, where the ongoing research work of the students in the Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering were exhibited.


Resume Building Seminar

October 1, 2024

CEGSAC and ITE in association with Purdue Centre for Career Opportunities(CCO) organized a seminar on “How to Create and Polish a Resume to Catch the Employer’s Eye” on the 1st of October 2024. The event was a success, with the attendees returning with a handful of tips on polishing their resumes and getting one step closer to their dream job.


Learn More About Our Past Events!<https://engineering.purdue.edu/CCE/Academics/Organizations/CEGSAC/news/events/past-events>

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Be sure to catch our upcoming events and activities - stay tuned to your inbox!


SAT 10/12/2024 | 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | LOCATION: Cumberland Park South Shelter

SAT 10/19/2024 | 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM | LOCATION: Exploration Acres

THU 11/07/2024 | TBA

FRI 11/22/2024 | TBA

THU 12/05/2024 | TBA


Graduate Mentorship Program

Whether you're looking to share your knowledge or receive advice and support, this is a great way to get involved! Please sign up HERE<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSeWLcUzsRbJiUX0NXm4WfPridHN9QmANW8DK4K2pj4yjuPpYQ%2Fviewform&data=05%7C02%7Ccce-graduates-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C0c6e88be864b437e9bd608dce93f719e%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638641705946898698%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=9FYJCgSEJq212ZI3ANkNqYc2Sn4jAxE23o%2BpIV1%2FqMk%3D&reserved=0> by October 14th

Research Bytes – 5-Minute Thesis Presentation

Graduate students will be invited to showcase their research and thesis in a 5-minute presentation format. Watch for our November updates!


TUE 10/15 | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM | COREC - Gold Sand Volleyball Court 3

Interested in joining our weekly sports activities like soccer, volleyball, or basketball at the COREC? Reach out to our Sports Health and Wellness committee!

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Dr. Lisa L. Losada-Rojas

In this interview, we speak with Dr. Lisa L. Losada-Rojas, an assistant professor in Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico, about her path from graduate student to faculty member at a research-focused university. Dr. Losada-Rojas highlights pivotal moments and decisions that shaped her career, emphasizing the value of mentorship, the significance of networking, and the challenges of balancing work with personal life.

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Journey from Student to Assistant Professor

  *   Career Path: Dr. Losada-Rojas’s journey from student to assistant professor was shaped by significant experiences like the Trailblazer in Engineering at Purdue and MIT Rising Stars, which helped define their career goals and the importance of networking.

"These experiences provided me with invaluable insights into the expectations for assistant professors, the dynamics of academic institutions, and the importance of networking. They helped me refine my career goals and aspirations, ultimately guiding my decision to pursue a tenure-track position at a research-intensive university focused on Hispanic serving institutions."

  *   Mentorship Matters: The support from mentors and advisors at Purdue was crucial, promoting both research skills and collaborative connections that shaped their academic journey.

"Another pivotal factor was the guidance and support of my advisor at Purdue. Her mentorship not only equipped me with essential research skills but also fostered a supportive environment where I could thrive and connect with like-minded colleagues. These connections played a vital role in shaping my academic journey, as many of them have since become mentors and collaborators."

Advice to Aspiring Academics

  *   Key Advice: For graduate students aiming for academia, Dr. Losada-Rojas stresses seeking scholarships and focusing on long-term goals while developing a diverse skill set.

" As a graduate student, I recommend starting by applying for scholarships and fellowships, even if you're an international student. While some opportunities may not be available, there are often options worth pursuing. Building a track record of successful grant applications during your graduate studies can be invaluable when seeking academic positions."

  *   Navigating Challenges: Common challenges in academia include securing funding and adapting to new roles, which require innovative thinking and resilience.

"Having innovative ideas is key to securing funding. Allow yourself time to think creatively, even if it means occasionally stepping back to reflect. I firmly believe that moments of boredom can spark great ideas. Prioritizing this creative space amidst the demands of academia can lead to breakthroughs in research and grant writing.”

Skills & Experiences That Shaped Success

  *   Conference Participation: Attending conferences was important for networking and presenting research, helping Dr. Losada-Rojas form lasting connections that benefitted their career.

"Attending conferences played a significant role in preparing me for my current position. Through these experiences, I not only had the opportunity to present my research and become acquainted with others engaged in similar work but also to network and establish connections with individuals I now consider collaborators and friends."

  *   Extracurricular Involvement: Involvement in student organizations helped her develop essential soft skills and set clear academic goals, supporting their graduate experience.

"Involvement in student organizations significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth during my time as a graduate student… it enabled me to acquire soft skills and experiences that might not have been cultivated through coursework alone… Purdue provides a unique opportunity to explore one's interests and uncover sources of motivation in both research and related domains, such as service.”

Professional Growth & Networking

  *   Engaging with the Academic Community: Dr. Losada-Rojas actively engages with the broader academic community through conferences and committees, which aids in professional growth and networking.

"I make it a priority to attend at least two conferences annually… This not only promotes visibility for our research outside of our institution but also fosters networking opportunities with peers and potential collaborators… These engagements have significantly contributed to my professional growth by expanding my network and sparking fruitful collaborations with professors at other institutions."

  *   Staying Current: Keeping up with the latest research is essential; Dr. Losada-Rojas dedicates time weekly to reading relevant literature and gains insights from student interactions.

"Although I now have less time to dedicate to this personally, I still make an effort to research for at least a couple of hours each week to stay informed about new publications… I engage in extensive reading when compiling proposals… I highly recommend signing up for newsletters and following influential researchers in their field on platforms like Google Scholar or ResearchGate to ensure they stay up-to-date with advancements in their area of study."

Work-Life Balance: A Constant Challenge

  *   Maintaining Balance: Balancing professional commitments with personal life is challenging, but Dr. Losada-Rojas recognizes its importance and seeks to improve their work-life integration.

"Prioritizing [work-life] balance is crucial for overall well-being. Recently, I've taken steps to address this by enrolling in workshops aimed at enhancing work-life balance. I believe that actively seeking ways to improve in this aspect of life is an important initial step."

  *   Advice for Students: Dr. Losada-Rojas encourages graduate students to engage in activities outside academia and to practice effective time management.

"I believe maintaining a healthy work-life balance is important, especially for graduate students juggling academic and career aspirations… Engaging in activities like yoga and participating in recreational activities at the COREC helped me unwind and recharge. Additionally, involvement in student organizations provided opportunities for fun and social interaction outside of academia… It's essential to recognize that while academic and career goals are significant, taking care of one's well-being is equally vital."


Submit Your Announcement to the CEGSAC Social Media!<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSczh95zRXhlZKsJ71-Xu_Gh-miqt0Msw3jMaBBcvpgEqCdwaA%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsf_link&data=05%7C02%7Ccce-graduates-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C0c6e88be864b437e9bd608dce93f719e%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638641705946898698%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=K81UTPqoCGVrrJpR08ODp79Jxtd0O1UQQNYLwlYD%2FGU%3D&reserved=0>

Share your announcements, upcoming events, achievements, and important updates with our community! Simply fill out the form in the QR code to have your announcement featured in our socials.

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[cid:image055.png at 01DB18CA.5522B540]<https://engineering.purdue.edu/CCE/Academics/Organizations/CEGSAC>

[cid:image056.png at 01DB18CA.5522B540]<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fpurdue-cegsac%2F&data=05%7C02%7Ccce-graduates-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C0c6e88be864b437e9bd608dce93f719e%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638641705946898698%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ce6NtoxH8lSWhKlPJFWPXlCObBsskMG9Z7kcnhGpfFI%3D&reserved=0>

[cid:image057.png at 01DB18CA.5522B540]<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fpurdue_cegsac%2F&data=05%7C02%7Ccce-graduates-list%40ecn.purdue.edu%7C0c6e88be864b437e9bd608dce93f719e%7C4130bd397c53419cb1e58758d6d63f21%7C0%7C0%7C638641705946898698%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=lCI2eWoB1nsvqJ24j2px5TOvx8pHhL8trcBi66Ld52w%3D&reserved=0>

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