[Bncnews-list] BNC E-news for the week of February 3rd

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 3 17:43:39 EST 2020

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Seminars /Workshops / Events

A practical guide to electrical characterization of materials at BNC<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=2562>

February 4th, 9:00am - 3:00pm in BRK 1001

Register HERE<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYfwMBUqi2lQPC2gGlYModKbBp7dUOxE_g7oGT6j28j1JZlA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1>

BNC Seminar: Chris Leighton<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=2582>

February 13th @ 10:30am in BRK 1001
Electrolyte Gating of Functional Materials

CALLING ALL BIRCK STUDENTS!!! Science Communication Shark Tank Competition - Sign Up<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=2560>

February 18th, 5:30pm -7:30pm in BRK 1001

RSVP by Friday, Feb. 7th to Neil Dilley (ndilley at purdue.edu<mailto:ndilley at purdue.edu>)

2nd Annual Science Communication Shark Tank Competition<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=2561>

March 26th,  5:30pm - 7:30pm in MRGN 121

Birck Events<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php> and Birck News<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/news/index.php>

Calling ALL Birck Students!!  Science Communication Shark Tank Competition:  Cash Prizes, Free dinners, hone your thesis defense skills and meet famous journalists!

[RSVP by February 7 to  Neil Dilley ndilley at purdue.edu][cid:image012.jpg at 01D5D505.97F77F30]

What is the Shark Tank Competition?

You are the next successful researcher in nanotechnology. How do you let the world of investors, potential employers, or media that what you do should make them stop in their tracks and pay attention?

The skill you need is that of a master storyteller. This is, however, more than the ability to crack a joke during a presentation. It goes beyond using more pictures and fewer words in your Powerpoint slides. It is about creating strong arguments. It is about violating expectations. It is about using numbers like levers, not bludgeons. It is about timing and flexibility in delivery. It is about appealing to people's sense of logos, pathos, and ethos; reason, feeling, and ethics can take you a long way.

The Science Communication Shark Tank<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/shark-tank/> competition gives you a chance to learn and train these skills in the best possible way: by playing a real-life game. You will participate as a member of the team in a science storytelling seminar, will learn how to create a scientific story, and you will prepare a written and a spoken presentation, which will be judged for selection in a live, Shark Tank Competition. Run by a group of talented professional communicators, the competition will award prizes and, most important, will offer the participants a chance to work with one of the sharks to refine their story and release it to the general public through a specialized media campaign.

More information HERE<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/shark-tank/>

***To participate RSVP to Neil Dilley by Feb. 7th @ ndilley at purdue.edu<mailto:ndilley at purdue.edu>***


This is advance notice about major electrical power outage involving all research equipment in the center on Wednesday May 6 from 10AM to 2 PM.  Physical Facilities High Voltage Department have firmed up plans necessary to gain access and have parts needed to fix the switchboard #1 that supplies power to all research equipment in the center.  This involves all research equipment in ALL GENERAL LABORATORY, SUB FAB, AND  CLEANROOM.  All research equipment connected to our building wide Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) or generator power will NOT lose power during this time.

This work will be completed during our normal spring building preventative maintenance closure that is scheduled from Monday May 4 through Friday May 8, 2020.  More details on the preventative maintenance closure will be communicated as we get closer to May 4, 2020.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Mark Voorhis

Building Manager

Birck Nanotechnology Center
Office: (765) 494-3036

New Storeroom Clerk

Please welcome Lisa Strauser lstraus at purdue.edu<mailto:lstraus at purdue.edu> to Birck. She has taken Lorraine's position as stocking and storekeeper.

Stephen Jurss

BNC Purchasing Procedures

Birck administrative assistants process a large number of purchase orders (more than 2000 in 2019). In an effort to streamline the purchasing, we are implementing a new procedure so that all necessary information for both ariba and credit card orders are provided in one form. This will reduce the number of back and forth emails and assist in quicker turnaround times.

We request that any orders placed through Birck use the attached purchase request form.

All grey highlighted areas must be completed for Brenda to input your purchase request.  This includes: vendor information (address, email, URL), your name and building/room to be delivered to, item part numbers/descriptions, current quote (if needed), explanation of how the purchase will benefit the project,  account number and PI approval (email approval is allowable).  If all necessary information is not filled out, Brenda will return your request asking that missing information be completed.

***Please note, other campus departments may require a different purchase form.  We cannot accept these forms. If you would like to place your order through Birck you must use the attached form which is consistent with EVPRP BO requirements.***

For questions on purchasing, please see Brenda Meador at the front atrium desk or email meador3 at purdue.edu<mailto:meador3 at purdue.edu>.

Financial Compliance:

Along with the new purchasing procedure we would like remind everyone the importance of financial compliance, choosing the correct account numbers and providing a clear and concise explanation on how the purchase benefits the project (account).

This is an essential component funding agencies look at when performing an audit and it is necessary we adhere to their guidelines.  If you have any questions on financial compliance please see Tracy Hudson in BRK 1008 or email hudsont at purdue.edu<mailto:hudsont at purdue.edu>

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you!

Jaime Turner

DURI Faculty Proposals

The Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship (DURI)<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/duri/> is now accepting faculty proposals for the summer session, with a deadline of February 21. Please share these details with your affiliated faculty. Additionally, Peter Bermel, who manages DURI with the assistance of Kate Mitsch, both copied on this email, are always open to new partnership opportunities with Discovery Park centers and institutes! Feel free to reach out directly to Peter and Kate if you're interested in 'sponsoring' a student for an upcoming session or if you want more information.

Check out the links below

Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship program seeking faculty proposals for summer session


Undergraduate Internships Expose Students to Trans-Disciplinary, Cross-Cultural Research via Dimensions of Discovery Newsletter


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

[Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>    [Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>

***If you would like to share a Thank You/Kudos for a Birck staff, student or faculty who went above and beyond in the weekly news and atrium TV's please send to jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu> ***
***If you have any news items (published papers, research news, awards, honors) please send to jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu> so they may be included on Birck's website, Facebook and Twitter pages***

Jaime Turner
Administrative Assistant to the Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center | Room 1027 | W. Lafayette, IN
Office:  765.494.3509 | Fax: 765.496.8383 | Email: jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>

[facebook image]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>   [twitter image] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>


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