[BNC-Occupants] UGIM Call for TECHNICAL papers

Annette M Cheever acheever at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 13 11:51:06 EST 2010

Please forward this information to your colleagues for submission of 
technical papers. The due date is February 15, 2010.

Thanks very much!!


Dear Colleague,

We are hosting the University Government Industry Micro/Nano Symposium 
[UGIM] on Purdue’s campus in June 2010 and invite you to submit a paper 
following the instructions on the attached “Call for Papers.”

The purpose of this symposium is to bring together leading educators and 
researchers from university, government, and industry around the world 
to promote the various exciting fields of micro/nanotechnology. 
Representatives of university micro/nano fabrication facilities, ranging 
from new start-up labs to nationally recognized facilities, have found 
this symposium an excellent forum for exchanging information and 
presenting new research and educational concepts. Government agencies 
such as NSF, NIH, NIST, SEMATECH, SRC, DoD and ONR regularly participate 
with research papers and updates on funding opportunities. Industry 
interactions with universities, including technology transfer, 
collaborative research, and training efforts are frequently presented.

Check our website for additional details: nano.purdue.edu/UGIM.

If you have any questions, please contact Peter Ye, email: yep at purdue.edu

Thank you for your consideration.

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