[BNC-grads-list] Quantum Game Club BNC callout 3/3/22 5-6 PM BRK 2001

Black, Nancy Lee blackn at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 2 15:05:22 EST 2022

Hi, we are the Quantum Game Club, where we provide the necessary education and resources to have fun inventing quantum activities, to share knowledge and excitement while interacting with quantum machines and concepts. We are holding a meeting this Thursday, March 3rd, from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in BRK 2001 at the Birck Nanotechnology Center. Pizza is available and will be first come first served. Please come and learn about Quantum Computing as we dive deeper into the technology and start the process for project proposals for awards and scholarships.

Dongyang Li "IQ-PARC coordinator"

Senior Program Assistant
Purdue University Elmore Family School of
Electrical Computer Engineering


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