[BNC-grads-list] FW: Judges Requested | Spring Undergrad Research Conference

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 1 12:15:53 EDT 2022

Dear Colleagues:

Purdue Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC) will be held in a Hybrid format during April 11-18, 2022, and the Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO) needs your support to judge our outstanding undergraduate researchers posters and research talks.

We are currently seeking faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students to help in judging posters and research talks both in-person and virtually. We have almost 90 research talks and almost 400 posters, with many students wanting to take the opportunity to present in person for the first time since fall 2019. Those interested and available should indicate their interest using the Qualtrics link<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80sIHwZVamUJMcC> on the Judging Registration website<https://www.purdue.edu/undergrad-research/conferences/spring/judges.php>. Individuals can sign up to judge in-person posters in the morning (9:30-noon) or afternoon (1-3:30) sessions on April 12, research talks in one-hour availability increments on April 14, and/or virtual presentations that can be judged throughout the week. The judging process is very important for the Spring Conference in helping determine awards and providing valuable feedback to undergraduate students who have worked diligently on presenting their projects

Can you spare one hour of your valuable time to offer constructive feedback to an upcoming researcher on their research presentation?

If you are willing to help judge during this time, please review the Judging Information website.<https://www.purdue.edu/undergrad-research/conferences/spring/judges.php>

Register to judge undergrad posters and research talks here<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80sIHwZVamUJMcC?_ga=2.210891797.1075508732.1648592197-498295597.1614882333>.

Thank you for the support!

Darshini Render
Associate Director
Engineering Undergraduate Research Office (EURO)
College of Engineering
Purdue University
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