[BNC-grads-list] Battle of Wits- competitive virtual escape room registration

Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council nsac at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 2 12:53:53 EST 2021

Hi Everyone!

NSAC in collaboration with organizations ECEGSA, HKN, and IEEE is hosting Battle of Wits- an engineering-themed virtual escape room through the Co-Rec. Other collaborating organizations are Aero Assist, CEGSAC, ChEGSO, IEGSO, and Power Engineering Society. The event is happening on Friday, February 12 at 5:30 PM over zoom.

First 2 teams (of four members each) to register using this link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpa9ZI1-VSqXLuoMK8dB1Q1U98lTLQhi8lQPObLKYftsM3dA/viewform> will be representing NSAC for the event. Please include "NSAC" in associated organizations field. Teams will be contacted after registration has finished with a zoom link for the event.

Registration is FREE!! Prizes for Top three ranking teams!!

More details in the Flyer.


Warm regards,

Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC)

[cid:ae218b29-422c-4e4b-9b51-2fffdf16349a]<https://www.facebook.com/NSACPurdue>[cid:263f39a0-69ca-4dc6-9ff4-0c1cb0b61753]<https://www.linkedin.com/company/nsac-purdue/> [cid:378f69b8-f695-4e53-852a-619fd9038e90] <https://www.instagram.com/nsacpurdue/>  [cid:d812e99f-5557-4af0-b78e-25aa9a637a56] <https://www.youtube.com/user/NSACpurdue>


NSAC is a student organization built to help enhance the communication of nanotechnology related people in Purdue. We have hosted a bunch of academic and social events in the past years, such as coffee hour, fab forum, interactive workshops, corn maze, etc. This year, towards the special COVID-19 situation, NSAC will keep its active virtual efforts to enhance the connections and communications within the community. Let’s make nano ‘bigger’ and stronger together.

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