[BNC-grads-list] FW: SPIE/OSA Student Seminar Series (Tuesday, Sep 29 2020): - WashU: Changqing Wang - Switching the transparency of an optical medium via chiral optical modes

Xiaohui Xu xu969 at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 28 13:19:58 EDT 2020

Hello everyone,

Please consider attending our next SPIE/OSA joint seminar on this Tuesday with detailed information below.

Purdue University SPIE Student Chapter.

Dear all,

Greetings from WashU SPIE/OSA Student Chapter,

Together with SPIE/OSA Student Chapters from the Aston University, University of Chicago, Purdue University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Texas A&M University, and Northwestern University, we are excited to announce the joint SPIE/OSA Student Chapter Seminar Series. We are delighted and pleased to hold the eighth seminar of this series.

Next Tuesday (September 29th, 2020) at 11am (CDT), we will have our eighth talk of the series, this time Changqing Wang from Washington University in St. Louis will be presenting his research on "Switching the transparency of an optical medium via chiral optical modes".

Please join us through the following Zoom link:

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Washington University in St. Louis Spectra SPIE/OSA Chapter

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