[BNC-grads-list] [Review] NSAC | Fab Forum: Creating 3D graphics in MS PowerPoint

Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council nsac at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 25 12:42:49 EST 2020

Hi Everyone!

Last week we had our second Fab Forum of 2020 by Yuhang Fang titled "Creating 3D Graphics in MS PowerPoint". We have uploaded the recorded session on MS Stream. Here's the link to it Fab-Forum-creating-graphics-in-PPT<https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/50bac227-52f4-4b45-b5d6-593fd6629f1f>.
Hope you have fun creating your own 3D graphics!

The PowerPoint used for demonstration has been shared on the Fab Forum channel on Teams<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/message/19:cd9e761814674399bc6ab0348057f369@thread.tacv2/1606323574278?tenantId=4130bd39-7c53-419c-b1e5-8758d6d63f21&groupId=5bf94bef-11c6-4867-b6b1-a3a6d90de4e9&parentMessageId=1606323574278&teamName=EVPRP-Birck-O-NSAC&channelName=Fab%20Forum&createdTime=1606323574278>.

Lastly, NSAC wishes all the members of BNC a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!


Stay connected,
Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC)
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NSAC is a student organization built to help enhance the communication of nanotechnology related people in Purdue. We have hosted a bunch of academic and social events in the past years, such as coffee hour, fab forum, interactive workshops, corn maze, etc. This year, towards the special COVID-19 situation, NSAC will keep its active virtual efforts to enhance the connections and communications within the community. Let’s make nano ‘bigger’ and stronger together.

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