[BNC-grads-list] Birck Student/Researcher Virtual Forum

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Wed May 6 10:32:42 EDT 2020

Dear All,

I hope everybody is doing well and that you are staying safe and healthy. 

This has been quite unusual semester with major global crisis. I am grateful that NSAC has stepped up by sharing useful information and by organizing virtual events. Our staff are also doing their best to provide a caring community for so many students and researchers who are away from their families.

I am sure many of you are eager to come back and re-start your research. For the moment, the guideline for critical research is similar to the one that was announced in March but President Daniels’ video on Tuesday announced that Purdue is pursuing a phased approach for ramp-up activities. Various colleges as well as EVPRP have working groups who are developing standard operating procedures for different phases of the ramp-up. 

Jaime will send an invitation for a Birck Student/Researcher Virtual Forum on Friday 2:30-3:30pm. Zhihong, Sunil and I will give a brief overview of ongoing activities and planning at Birck but we also look forward to hear from you if you have any questions or comments. You can also email us to share your questions. 

We look forward to talk to you soon.

Ali, Zhihong and Sunil

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