[BNC-grads-list] [NSAC] Remote Work Preparations

Samuel Peana speana at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 23 20:02:14 EDT 2020

Hello all,

As everyone knows the governor of Indiana has issued a "stay at home"
executive order that will begin this Wednesday. *As a result there may be a
period of time after Wednesday where we will not be able to physically
access our computers at Birck.* To prepare for this possibility and to make
the transition to remote work as smooth and productive as possible *NSAC
has prepared the following video <https://youtu.be/JVe2TMYPl6M> which
contains instructions on how to prepare your work computer for extended
remote work. *Additionally, there are a few other resources discussed to
help make access to University resources as seamless as possible.

I can not stress this enough, if you would like to access your work
computer remotely over the next few weeks* please follow the instructions
in the video <https://youtu.be/JVe2TMYPl6M> today or tomorrow since they
require physical access to the computer* to implement and it is uncertain
if we will be able to enter Birck for some time after tomorrow!

Additionally, this video is on the NSAC Youtube channel where over the next
few weeks we hope to place content such as Coffee Hour so please consider

Best of luck everyone, and all the best from NSAC, stay smart, stay safe!


-Sam Peana
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