[BNC-grads-list] [NSAC] Beyond Coffee LOCATION CHANGE Free Mama Inez and Lavazza!

Samuel Peana speana at purdue.edu
Thu Jan 30 12:15:27 EST 2020

*What: Beyond Coffee: coffee, tea, fruit, and pastries provided by Mexican
Bakery Mama Inés!*

*Where: Birck Atrium*

*When: Thursday Jan 30th, 2020*

*Time: Drop by anytime between 2pm - 3:30pm*

*Good news due to conflicts with Marriott hall the Beyond Coffee event has
been moved to the Birck Atrium. Everyone at Birck is welcome to
participate! I hope to see you there!*

NSAC is cosponsoring this Beyond Coffee Event which is open to the whole of
the college of engineering. There is going to be some seriously tasty food
and its actually quite close to Birck. I highly recommend attending! Its a
great chance to meet people from all different department!

The goal is to bring together engineering graduate students and postdocs
from different disciplines. Make new academic colleagues and friends, learn
more about the wide breadth of engineering research at Purdue, and energize


-Sam Peana
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