[BNC-grads-list] [Mentoring_at_Purdue] Mentoring at Purdue Fall 2020 Newsletter

Kornegay, Ryan D rkornega at purdue.edu
Wed Dec 2 10:14:58 EST 2020

Greetings M at P Family,

It is our hope that this message finds you well and adjusted during this time of social distancing. This year, COVID-19 has prompted us to define our own “new normal”. While many things have changed, the mission of our program remains the same - to increase the retention and persistence of underrepresented minority and women graduate students in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and agricultural disciplines.

Because of our commitment to enhancing the M at P community, our team wanted to keep you up-to-date on what we are doing to further advance the M at P mission and vision.  Not only that, but we want to invite you on this journey as we constantly work to enhance our program to better meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders. Attached you will find a copy of our Fall 2020 M at P newsletter. Feel free to browse and learn more about the work that M at P is doing. You can also see a listing of our fall events/recordings and enjoy words of wisdom from members of our M at P leadership team in our spotlight feature.

Again, we appreciate all you do for our program – we look forward to staying connected in the months and years to come.

All the best,

The M at P Team

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