[BNC-grads-list] SPIE/OSA Student Seminar Series, September 1st 2020 - Purdue University

Yesilyurt, Omer oyesilyu at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 31 14:48:05 EDT 2020

Hi all,

Greetings from the Purdue University SPIE/OSA Student Chapter,

Together with SPIE/OSA Student Chapters from the University of Chicago, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washington University in St. Louis, Aston University, Texas A&M University, and Northwestern University, we are delighted to hold the fifth seminar of this series.

Next Tuesday (September 1st, 2020) at 11:30am EST, we will have our fifth talk of the series, this time Dr. Nathalie de Leon from the Princeton University will be presenting her research on "Engineering new solid-state quantum defects". Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Please join us through the following ZOOM link: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/95262975453

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Purdue University SPIE/OSA Student Chapter

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