[BNC-grads-list] FW: Cryogenic and Cleanroom Expert Positions at Pitt

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 1 09:02:16 EDT 2019

At the University of Pittsburgh we are looking for two Facilities Directors, one for our cleanroom - and one for a newly created cryogenic facility which combines a liquefier+recovery and 10+ dilution refrigerators situated in several labs.

I would be grateful if you brought to my attention any good candidates for these positions, perhaps a student or a postdoc who is great with equipment and processes? You can also share with them the search postings below.

These positions are in the rank of Research Assistant Professor. While the primary responsibility is for the facility, it is also possible to stay involved in research in collaboration with groups at Pitt.

Pitt Cryogenics Director search (dilfridge, liquefier, cryostat expertise)


Petersen Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering Technical Director Search (cleanroom expertise)


Thank you so much in advance!

Prof. Sergey Frolov
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pittsburgh
3941 O’Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA, 15260, USA
office phone: (+1)412-648-9742
frolovsm at pitt.edu<mailto:frolovsm at pitt.edu>
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