[BNC-grads-list] [Mentoring_at_Purdue] Mentoring at Purdue Invited Lecture Series Faculty/Staff Seminar TOMORROW!

Vollmer, Dorothy L dvollme at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 5 13:59:37 EST 2018

Good afternoon!

Join Mentoring at Purdue for the Faculty and Staff Seminar during the Invited Lecture series TOMORROW!

The Equipping Faculty/Staff to Provide Instrumental Support to Protégés of Color Seminar is Tuesday, March 6th from 10:30 - Noon in Pfendler Hall, room 241.

Listen to experiences and tips from our distinguished invited lecturer, Dr. Rowena Ortiz-Walters! Check out the attached flyers for more information and details!

On behalf of the entire M at P team,

Dottie Vollmer
Master's Student
Coordinator of On-Campus Activities, Mentoring at Purdue Program
Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Purdue University College of Agriculture

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