[BNC-grads-list] NSAC World Cup Semifinals Watch Parties

Samuel Peana speana at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 10 13:14:31 EDT 2018

Just a reminder that one of the most exciting soccer games of the century
is about to begin at 2pm: France vs. Belgium.

We invite you to join NSAC in watching this game in BRK 1001 with some
light refreshments.

Please come at 1:45 as we will be holding a brief feedback session before
the game begins!

*WHERE: BRK 1001*
*WHEN: 1:45PM*
*WHY: We all know you are watching in your office anyways, may as well
watch with friends and most importantly...food!*

[image: image.png]


-Sam Peana
NSAC President

On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 12:48 PM Samuel Peana <speana at purdue.edu> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am sure everyone is very aware that the World Cup is in progress.
> Considering that you are watching the games in your office anyways NSAC
> invites you to come and join us to watch the Semifinals in BRK 1001 with
> soda, chips, and great company!
> Before the game we will have a 15min students only feedback session,
> please come with all your complaints, wishes, and fantasies for Birck!
> *Light refreshments will be provided!*
> *WHERE: BRK 1001*
> *WHEN: TUES 1:45PM, WED 1:45PM*
> [image: image.png]
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