[BNC-grads-list] [Mentoring_at_Purdue] Mentoring at Purdue Invited Lecture Series

Vollmer, Dorothy L dvollme at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 19 10:44:39 EST 2018

Good morning!

 Please join Mentoring at Purdue (M at P) as we invite Dr. Rowena Ortiz-Walters to Purdue University on March 5th and 6th!

Rowena Ortiz-Walters is Dean of the School of Business and Economics at SUNY Plattsburgh in NY becoming only the 9th Hispanic-American Dean of a US business school. As dean, Dr. Ortiz-Walters is responsible for building and sustaining a culture that supports student success academically, professionally and personally; strategic planning and creation of a shared vision for the school; maintenance of AACSB accreditation and high educational standards; innovative thinking and programming that meets market demands and student needs; and fostering partnerships with the local, national and international business community. Formerly, she was department chair and professor of management at Quinnipiac University where she co-founded and served as co-director of the Center for Women and Business.

Dr. Ortiz-Walters is also a scholar and public speaker in higher education. Through her scholarship and speaking engagements, she contributes to the national conversation on the status of women's careers. Additional research expertise and interests include entrepreneurship, issues of diversity and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Sample outlets where her research appears includes Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Journal of Women's Entrepreneurship and Education, Business Journal of Hispanic Research and Journal of College Teaching and Learning. Speaking engagements include: Catalyst(r), Permanent Commission on the Status of Women, Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, and Chambers of Commerce. Dr. Ortiz-Walters earned her doctorate from the University of Connecticut.

Graduate students are encouraged to attend a workshop on Monday, March 5th from 2:00-3:00pm in WSLR, room 008. Faculty and Staff are encouraged to attend a seminar on Tuesday, March 6th from 10:30am-12noon in PFEN, room 241.
Be on the lookout for emails with more details about specific topics and other opportunities during the 2018 Invited Lecture Series!

M at P is a mentoring program designed with women and minority graduate students in the College of Agriculture at Purdue University in mind. M at P aims to improve the quality of graduate education through fostering mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty or staff members in the Agricultural and Life Sciences. Mentoring has played a crucial role in the success of many individuals, especially those that are generally underserved. The M at P program helps students grow professionally, academically, and personally to become successful individuals in their chosen area of study.

M at P is designed to meet the mentoring needs of the mentors and mentees in the program through events, group forums, guest speakers, and workshops. As a participant in M at P, you will have numerous opportunities for academic and personal growth, support, encouragement, and assistance. M at P will provide training and guidance to both parties on how to have an effective mentor-mentee relationship.

On behalf of the entire M at P team,

Dottie Vollmer
Master's Student
Coordinator of On-Campus Activities, Mentoring at Purdue Program
Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Purdue University College of Agriculture

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