[BNC-grads-list] [Mentoring_at_Purdue] M at P Workshop THIS WEDNESDAY!

Alexander, Elizabeth M alexan42 at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 16 14:48:38 EDT 2018

Good afternoon everyone!

Please join Mentoring at Purdue (M at P) this month for the Conflict Resolution workshop on Wednesday, April 18th from noon-1:00pm in Pfendler Hall room 241!

If you are unable to attend in person, please join us via webex: https://purdue.webex.com/meet/dvollme

M at P is a mentoring program designed with women and minority graduate students in the College of Agriculture at Purdue University in mind. M at P aims to improve the quality of graduate education through fostering mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty or staff members in the Agricultural and Life Sciences. Mentoring has played a crucial role in the success of many individuals, especially those that are generally underserved. The M at P program helps students grow professionally, academically, and personally to become successful individuals in their chosen area of study.

M at P is designed to meet the mentoring needs of the mentors and mentees in the program through events, group forums, guest speakers, and workshops. As a participant in M at P, you will have numerous opportunities for academic and personal growth, support, encouragement, and assistance. M at P will provide training and guidance to both parties on how to have an effective mentor-mentee relationship.

Even with great mentors/mentees- conflict is bound to happen. How you handle these disagreements can have a big impact on the mentoring relationship.

Join us to hear from Sharon Williams, Employee Relations Manager, and Alvin Lee, Jr., Employee Relations Consultant from Human Resources speak about their strategies for resolving conflict in mentoring relationships.

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On behalf of the entire M at P team,

Liz Alexander
Graduate Research Assistant
Mentoring at Purdue
Purdue University
Department of Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Agricultural Administration Building - Rm. 221
615 W. State St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053

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