[BNC-grads-list] Summer 2018-SURF Graduate Assistant (GA) Position

Leavitt, Vicki vleavitt at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 16 14:36:58 EDT 2017

Dear Graduate Students,

For SURF 2018, we are seeking to hire PhD students from STEM disciplines who enjoy teaching and sharing their knowledge and experience with undergraduates. Qualified candidates should have the ability to work in a diverse, fast-paced team environment. The position announcement and details are provided here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Engr/Research/SURF/Programs/2018GA

SURF Graduate Assistants gain a unique experience that contributes to their professional portfolio in the following areas:

*        Support and development of undergraduate researchers in and outside their discipline

*        Interactions with students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines in engineering, science, and agriculture

*        Administrative and leadership experience gained from implementing a large university research program

This position could be particularly beneficial for the graduate student planning a career in academia.

Please submit an application by January 23, 2018. If you have questions, contact me at any time.



Vicki Leavitt, surf at purdue.edu<mailto:surf at purdue.edu>
SURF Program Manager
College of Engineering, Office of Research
2001 Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
(765) 496-2349

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