[BNC-grads-list] [Mentoring_at_Purdue] Mentoring at Purdue Workshop ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!

Vollmer, Dorothy L dvollme at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 11 10:30:09 EDT 2017

Good morning!

Mentoring at Purdue (M at P) invites you to the upcoming M at P workshop, Mentee to Mentor: Navigating the Transition, on Wednesday, October 18th from noon - 1:00pm in Pfendler Hall Room 241!

How do you make the transition from being mentored to becoming a mentor, and, perhaps more importantly, how do you pay forward the many gifts-knowledge, career advice, opportunities to serve and lead in various projects and organizations-that mentors provide? Because many young faculty entering higher education must confront this challenge, a review of mentorship with a specific focus on making the transition from mentee to mentor is the drive of this workshop.

Join us to hear from our four panelists including Dr. Sharon Kessler, from the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Dr. Kevin Solomon, from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Dr. Vikki Weake, from the Department of Biochemistry, and Dr. Joshua Widhalm, from the Department of Horticultural and Landscape Architecture. Each member of the panel has recently transitioned from being mainly a mentee to being mainly a mentor. Hear what they have to say about the challenges, the benefits, and the advice they have for those interested in becoming faculty in the future.

We look forward to having lunch with you!

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Dottie Vollmer
Master's Student
Coordinator of On-Campus Activities, Mentoring at Purdue Program
Youth Development and Agricultural Education
Purdue University College of Agriculture

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