[BNC-grads-list] [IMPORTANT]-Fighting "Tax and Jobs Act" Provisions Harming Graduate Students

Sajid Choudhury sajidieee at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 13:55:33 EST 2017

Dear all,

I am forwarding this email to you, at the request of the Purdue Graduate
Students Government. Please see the event dedicated to calling and
addressing representatives.

Thank you
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PGSG VP-Operations <pgsg.vp.operations at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 1:29 AM
Subject: [IMPORTANT]-Fighting "Tax and Jobs Act" Provisions Harming
Graduate Students

Dear GSO Presidents,

My name is Vlad Podolsky and I am the Vice President of Operations for the
Purdue Graduate Student Government. I ask that you take 5 minutes to please
read the below as it is pertinent to every single graduate student in the
country. If you are not a GSO president, please reply to this email letting
me know who is the new one so we can update our contact list.

As some of you may know, Congress is currently attempting to pass the Tax
Cuts and Jobs Act which has provisions to repeal Sections 117(d), Section
127, Interest Payments on Qualified Education Loans, and Tuition and
Related expanses. In short, this would mean:

1) An average Purdue, non-resident graduate student with a stipend of
$15,000 and current tuition waiver would see a ~$4,705 or 263.77% increase
in taxes owed from current levels.

2) The loss of the ability to deduct up to $2,500 in federal student loan
interest from one's taxes

3) The elimination of tax-free employer paid education assistance of up to
$5,250 per year

Such changes would be detrimental to all graduate students. As such, PGSG
is seeking to unite our graduate student population to fight these changes.

We will be hosting a "Call Your Representatives Day" event (
on *November 27 starting at 1 pm at PGSC*. With this event, we want to
encourage you and your groups to join PGSG and other graduate student
organizations across the U.S. on this fight by reaching out to your
representatives through phone calls, letters, Twitter feeds, and any form
of communication you find appropriate. We will provide call scripts, sample
tweets, and the contact information of our representatives and senators. At
the same time, PGSG members will attend the event to provide support and
guidance on this process.

We would like for you to please encourage your GSO's members to attend, and
if they cannot attend the event, please encourage them to take some time to
contact their representatives wherever they may be at the time. Note that
international students can also contact representatives since they are

To help, I am attaching a letter from the PGSG president on the subject,
sample tweets that can be sent, sample call scripts, and contact info for
representatives and senators both in Indiana and other states.

Please share this with the graduate students in your organization and
departments to encourage them to make their voices heard!

Thank you,
Vlad Podolsky

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