[BNC-grads-list] NSAC Workshop Series on Useful Software

NSAC nsac at purdue.edu
Tue Oct 21 13:53:57 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

As part of NSAC's professional development initiative, we will be
organizing grad-student-led workshops on common useful software for grad
students. Most of these will be 30-45min introductory workshops (unless
otherwise stated) and may be followed up by more
advanced/application-specific topics in later workshops, depending on
participant interest. The workshops will be held biweekly in BRK at 12:15pm
(exact dates/location to be announced by email). We encourage anyone who is
familiar with any of the software packages listed below (or any others) to
share their knowledge by co-hosting a workshop.

If you are interested in either attending or co-hosting any of these
workshops, please fill out the following form:


As always, email nsac at purdue.edu if you have any

NSAC Officers
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