[BNC-grads-list] Research Participants needed (free pizza!)

Mithun Jacob mithunjacob at purdue.edu
Mon Jun 16 07:37:35 EDT 2014

Gestonurse: A Robotic Scrub Nurse that Understands Hand Gestures


The Intelligent Systems and Assistive Technologies (ISAT) Lab at the School
of Industrial Engineering at Purdue University, directed by Dr. Juan P.
Wachs is conducting an experiment to to investigate the use of a multimodal
robotic scrub nurse in the operating room.

The participant will interact with the robot using hand gestures, speech
commands and other input modalities to perform a simple task.


You must be 18 years old, or older to participate in any of the experiments in
the ISAT Lab (MGL 1332).


Free pizza will be provided to participants.


All the data will be collected anonymously, and you may stop the experiment at
any time.

Please contact Mithun Jacob for participation (mithunjacob at purdue.edu).

If you have any concerns of this research, you may contact the principal
investigator, Dr. Juan Wachs (jpwachs at purdue.edu).
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