[BNC-grads-list] Visit to Northwestern University - Saturday, April 19th (RSVP by 4/16)

NSAC nsac at purdue.edu
Sun Apr 13 22:37:24 EDT 2014

Dear BRK grad students,

NSAC's Research Awareness Committee would like to invite you to a day trip
to visit Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) on *Saturday April 19th,

Northwestern University is one of the country's leading private research
universities, with an annual budget of $2 billion and sponsored research in
excess of $500 million. Located on two lakeshore campuses - one in Chicago
and one in Evanston, the first suburb north of Chicago - Northwestern
enrolls about 17,000 students and has some 2,500 full-time faculty. It has
a long history of leadership in interdisciplinary research programs and
centers. More than 90 school-based centers and 26 University centers
support interdisciplinary research that spans a wide spectrum of areas,
including neuroscience, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and drug discovery. [

The agenda for the day is as follows:

8am Leave Birck
9am Breakfast
11am - 1pm Northwestern University (Lab Tours I)
1pm Lunch
2am - 3:30pm Northwestern University (Lab Tours II)
4pm - ? Downtown Chicago (Dinner?)
(agree on a departure time with your driver)

If you are interested in going, please* reply to this email by April 16th*;
availability is on a first-come, first-served basis (*limit 15 people*).

We'll have 3-4 drivers; further information regarding transportation will
be sent later. Email nsac at purdue.eduif you have any questions/comments.

See you then!

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