[BNC-grads-list] Webinar: Working Successfully in the Semiconductor Industry

John Wilcox jrwilcox at gmail.com
Tue Oct 15 15:57:00 EDT 2013

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to attend a special webinar entitled *Working
Successfully in the Semiconductor Industry*, presented by Douglas P. Verret.
Brick 1001
Thursday, October 17, 2013*
*11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Author Biography:  *
Abstract:*  For those not fortunate enough to have worked as an intern, the
experience of working in the semiconductor industry can be quite different
than expectations.  In general you have been taught many valuables things
by your professors, but there are many more things that you were not told.
 Some of you will experience culture shock.  In this webinar you will not
hear about the results of a rigorous sociological or anthropological study
on the semiconductor industry workplace, but rather a personal perspective
of someone who has worked in the industry for three and a half decades. You
will hear about the characteristics of the industry as a whole and how it
affects the work life of a typical engineer.  You will learn about common
misconceptions and pitfalls of novice engineers as well as traits and
characteristics you will need to flourish in this unique environment.  For
experienced engineers you will hear about things that you have probably
experienced but may not have reflected upon nor internalized.
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