[BNC-grads-list] FW: 2012 Fall MRS Meeting additional student assistant positions

Black, Nancy Lee blackn at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 25 08:11:00 EDT 2012

2012 MRS Fall Meeting Blogger and Writer POSITIONS AVAILABLE Boston, MA—November 25-30

Deadline to Reply — October 31

Be part of our MRS TEAM!  MRS is looking for student volunteers to assist with the following positions:


Six student volunteers are needed as Fall Meeting bloggers/tweeters. Give us a look at the meeting through your eyes. Of course we’d like some info on exciting talks or new materials breakthroughs, but we also want an interesting perspective on people you meet, events you attend, happenings around you.

It is expected that you will spend approximately 6-8 hours per day (for four days) dedicated to the Blogging project. This will include attending talks or meeting events; observing people and activities related to the meeting; and posting a minimum of 3 blog entries per day as well as several tweets to the MRS Twitter feed. Must be available from 12PM Monday through 5PM Friday during the week.

If you are interested in being a meeting blogger, please send an e-mail to Tim Palucka (Palucka at mrs.org), our Science News Editor directly.


Three students are needed as Fall Meeting writers/reporters to compile daily technical reports for inclusion in the MRS Meeting Scene e-newsletter. 

The writers should be able to attend talks in materials research areas that could be outside their specific areas of expertise and be able to write up short summaries quickly.

Please send an e-mail to Tim Palucka (Palucka at mrs.org), our Science News Editor, stating your specific area of research in materials along with a description of a recent major development in your field, why you want to be a Meeting Scene reporter, and what you hope to gain from the experience.

Fall Meeting Blogger or Meeting Scene Writer Compensation—
-  REIMBURSEMENT of Registration for the 2012 MRS Fall Meeting
-  FREE MRS student membership for 2013
-  PLUS a $50 Amex Gift Card

Deadline to Reply — October 31

Thank you!

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