[BNC-grads-list] FW: i-Phone app for IEDM 2011

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Tue Nov 29 13:16:22 EST 2011

-----Original Message-----
From: Sambit Palit [mailto:spalit at purdue.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:39 AM
To: ncn-students at lists.purdue.edu
Cc: bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: i-Phone app for IEDM 2011

Please take a look at this apple i-Phone app for IEDM 2011 developed by one of my friends. I am sure it will be extremely helpful if you are planning on attending the conference.

Dear Friends / Colleagues,

While attending IEDM over the years (or any big conference for that matter), selecting which papers to attend has been a drudgery. Going back and forth between the conference leaflet and the abstract booklet, and then discovering that their exists an conflict between the papers i wanted to attend and finally loosing the piece of paper with my schedule on the first day of the conference.

This motivated us to create a iPhone/iPad/iPod app which will allow the participants to browse the schedule : showing them all the sessions going on at a particular time and then choose one, browse the papers by the category, find which room to go to next to attend the next paper.

The app is live and freely available on the Appstore now and you can search for it by typing "IEDM" in the Appstore. Alternatively you can get it use this link :

App Description :
This app allows you to browse through the schedule of IEDM 2011 conference, select the papers you want to attend and make your conference calendar. Browse all the papers being presented at a particular time slot or alternatively browse the papers by conference categories. You can read through the abstract of the papers and select the ones you want to attend to make your conference itinerary. This app also allows you to do a live search over the extended abstracts to quickly narrow all the papers on a particular topic (e.g. Flash
Memory) or from a particular institution (e.g. Purdue University).
The App for IEDM 2011 is sponsored by Applied Materials.

Please have fun using the app and please let me know of your feedback at nainani at stanford.edu <mailto:nainani at stanford.edu>. If you like the app, please forward this email to your friends and colleagues as well.

Best Regards,

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