[BNC-grads-list] NSAC Meeting This Thursday (11/19), 3:30 PM, BRK 1099

Caitlin Burger cbburger at purdue.edu
Wed Nov 18 17:08:33 EST 2009

Attention Birck Grad Students:

The Birck NSAC will be holding its monthly meeting THIS THUSDAY  
(11/19) at 3:30 PM in BRK 1099.  Everyone is welcome to attend!

Items for Thursday's meeting:
* Constitution finalization
* Possible Fermi Lab Trip, Spring 2010
* Hot Chocolate Mondays, throughout December
* Game night during finals week
* Ice Skating
*Nanodays- March 27- April 4, 2010

CALL OUT:  NSAC Committees Members Still Needed!
			Drew Candebat: Social and Hospitality Committee Chair
			Pankaj Jah: Research Awareness Committee Chair
			NEEDED:  Policies and Procedures Committee Chair
			(You may join any committee, if you'd like to get involved!)


We hope to see you there!

John Wilcox (President)
Cara Smith (V. President)
Alfredo Tuesta (Treasurer)
Caitlin Burger (Secretary)

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