[BNC-grads-list] ASEE Event: Navigating Graduate School: Committee Formation to Defense

Rocio Chavela rdelcarm at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 17 19:32:32 EDT 2008


The Purdue Student Chapter of the American Society for Engineering Education
is holding the panel discussion: "Navigating Graduate School: Committee
Formation to Defense."   We bring together the Interim Dean of the Graduate
School, the Director of Graduate Programs of the College of Engineering, the
Manager of Thesis and Dissertation Office, and a graduate student who has
experienced most of the navigation process to answer your questions.


For those interested, the discussion is Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:00 PM in
ARMS 3115.  Our flier is attached.




Rocio Chavela

Research Assistant - Engineering Education

Student Chapter - American Society for Engineering Education


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