[BNC-grads-list] REMINDER: NCN at Purdue Summer School

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 8 15:02:29 EDT 2008

This announcement appeared in the weekly memo dated June 9; Prof. Lundstrom
has asked that we send out a reminder.

2008 NCN at Purdue Summer School - LAST CHANCE TO ATTEND

"Electronics from the Bottom Up"

July 14-25, 2008
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Open to Purdue faculty and students at no charge.

You must register online NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, at:


For questions or concerns, please contact Alicia Goodman
(goodman at purdue.edu)

The field of semiconductor microelectronics is undergoing a
transformation to nanoelectronics. This transformation has been largely
driven by a ³top-down² approach that extends concepts and techniques
originally developed for bulk semiconductors and large device to the new
field of nanoscale device technology. But to exploit the opportunities
that nanoscience presents, engineers will need to learn how to think
about materials, devices, circuits, and systems in a new way to
complement traditional, top-down understanding with new, ³bottom-up²

Electronics from the Bottom Up is designed to promote the bottom-up
perspective by beginning at the nanoscale, and working up to the micro
and macroscale of devices and systems. For electronic devices, this
means first understanding the smallest electronic device ­ a single
molecule with two contacts. For carrier transport, it means beginning at
the nanoscale where ballistic transport, atomistic effects, and
stochastic effects dominate. For MOSFETs, it means beginning with the
³ultimate² MOSFET. Electronics from the Bottom Up does not mean ab
initio numerical simulations ­ it means beginning with concepts and
approaches that are both simple and sound


Alicia Goodman
Administrative Assistant
Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN  47907
Phone:  765-494-7715
Fax:  765-494-0811
email:  goodman at purdue.edu
website:  www.nanoHUB.org

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