[BNC-grads-list] NSAC requests external speaker nominations by Friday, March 9

Laura Biedermann biedrmnn at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 7 09:49:11 EST 2007

Hello fellow Birck grads,

NSAC, the Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council, is trying to increase
awareness of nanotechnology by hosting seminars for Birck residents.  

In addition to the weekly Thursday seminar series, NSAC is also hosting a
big-name seminar speaker.  We'd like your suggestions for an interesting
nanotechnology speaker from outside Purdue. Please think both of interesting
speakers you may have heard speak at conferences or of someone whose papers you

We'd like to bring in a world-renownded researcher and speaker.  The only
limitations are that the speaker must be US-based (to make travel easier) and
must be currently active in research (still publishing).

Please e-mail speaker suggestions to myself (biedermann at purdue.edu) by Friday,
March 9th.  You may submitt multiple speaker suggestions.  Responses will be
compiled by the Research Awareness committee.  

Speaker name:
Affiliation (which university, national lab, or company?):
Field(s) of research:
Have you ever heard this speaker give a talk in person?  At Purdue?

Thank you,

Laura Biedermann
NSAC Research Awareness Chair

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