[BNC-grads-list] SEMINAR: Friday, April 27, on behalf of ERICA CARLSON

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Thu Apr 26 14:29:18 EDT 2007

 Condensed Matter & Biological Physics Seminar
"Drawing Conclusions from Graphene"
Friday April 27, 2007
 Location: PHYS 242 1:30p -2:30p (refreshments at 1PM, PHYS 242)
Antonio Castro Neto
Boston University
  Graphene, a two dimensional carbon crystal with a honeycomb lattice, was
discovered only two years ago. It has generated a lot of excitement in the
condensed matter community because of its unusual properties: anomalous
integer quantum Hall effect, universal d.c. conductivity, absence of weak
localization, unusual behavior in high magnetic fields, among others. In
this talk I am going to discuss the various non-Fermi liquid properties of
single layer, bilayer, and multi-layer graphene. I will also discuss the
discovery and theoretical description of the first semiconductor with
tunable gap by electric field effect created from a biased bilayer graphene.
These results indicate that graphene belongs to a new class of materials
with unique properties that can be used as the basis for carbon-based

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