[BNC-grads-list] Career Selection Workshop follow-up

Willison, Sheryl L swilliso at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 12 13:53:41 EDT 2007



For the benefit of those of you who couldn't make it and for those who
requested additional information at our "Selecting your Career" workshop
today, I have compiled a few helpful resources for you to look at.  


1.	Here is the link to Dr. Adams 5 part lecture series on becoming
a faculty member.  As of today, only the first 4 have been posted on
Omega's website.  


2.	The two books that Dr. Son mentioned that are helpful for
preparation for a career in the sciences are: 

A PhD is not enough:

Tomorrow's Professor:


We look forward to future discussions like this that can help us prepare
for our future careers.  Thanks for your attendance. 


Nanotechnology Student Advisory Committee (NSAC)





Brian D. Iverson

biverson at purdue.edu


School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

585 Purdue Mall, ME 15

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2088

Phone:  765.494.4762


Birck Nanotechnology Center

1205 W. State St., BNC 2218

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057

Phone:  765.496.8340


<mailto:biverson at purdue.edu>  


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