[Bnc-faculty-all-list] DUE Friday 2.18 - DURI + CINT Summer Research Program Application - Purdue University

Bobillo, Mary Ann mbobillo at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 15 17:07:29 EST 2022


Have you considered submitting a project that might send a Purdue student to Sandia National Lab's CINT<https://cint.lanl.gov/> summer program?? (info attached)

Submit your DURI abstract proposal at the Purdue DURI website<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/duri/>, using your Purdue Career account credentials to log on. The faculty deadline for proposal submissions is February 18.

Via the DURI STUDENT application period, from March 7 - March 24, the student candidates that apply have a chance to be selected as a CINT<https://cint.lanl.gov/> candidate for this summer. See attached CINT information. I hope that you will be able to submit a DURI related proposal, and encourage your students to apply. Faculty project supervisors will review all eligible student applications before making final selections. The deadline for selecting students will be April 8. Student teams will be responsible for pursuing their research projects, culminating with a poster presentation and 1-page abstract/summary of their results. Assuming all requirements are met, each participating student will earn a $4,500 summer scholarship from the DURI program. This will consist of $1,500 in cost-sharing from the faculty project supervisor(s), as well as $3,000 in support from DURI.

MORE INFO ON THE CINT/DURI/i-GSDI/SANDIA funding model for this opportunity:

Sandia National Lab and Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) (see: https://cint.lanl.gov/) wishes to partner with Purdue to share the cost of hosting 2 Purdue students in summer 2022 for hands-on experience with world class CINT experimental facilities and subject matter experts. The purpose of this collaboration is to foster new opportunities for students and to widen the range of collaborations between Sandia staff and Purdue faculty and students. Sandia is seeking to partner with Purdue and share the $20K cost per student.

The Purdue Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Internship (DURI) (see: https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/duri/) program has grown in success since its funding in 2015.  Every year DURI solicits topics from faculty wishing to be matched with an undergrad for summer research in their lab. Students apply and the best candidates are selected for each topic. Often, DURI will adopt a special "theme" for a given summer, but will also still entertain faculty topic ideas across a wide spectrum.

We see a partnership opportunity between the Sandia CINT and DURI in which for Summer 2022 we seek two stellar ideas from interested faculty that are relevant to CINT. Students who apply would eventually be down-selected to the two students who appear most qualified and best fit from the topic and the work at CINT/Sandia in Summer 2022.

DURI would provide additional support for each of the two students, as well as i-GSDI. It is also hoped that the sponsoring faculty could (using their own funds to round out the total cost) travel out to CINT once during the summer to review the student's work and get to know CINT, Sandia, and the possibilities for further collaboration.

More information is available on the  DURI website<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/duri/>. Faculty should direct any questions about the program to Peter Bermel at durifaculty at purdue.edu<mailto:durifaculty at purdue.edu>. Students with questions, and faculty with questions about navigating the proposal submission site should contact Kate Mitsch at duristudent at purdue.edu<mailto:duristudent at purdue.edu>

Thank you,

Mary Ann

Mary Ann Bobillo

Senior Operations Manager

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O 765-496-6065 | M 765-426-3939 | www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/igsdi<http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/igsdi>

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