[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Webinar by Prof. David Inouye (Purdue) on "Unifying and Advancing the Science of Deep Distribution Alignment"

Gupta, Sumeet Kumar guptask at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 25 11:38:14 EDT 2022

Unifying and Advancing the Science of Deep Distribution Alignment

Prof. David I. Inouye

Purdue University

Tuesday, August 30, 2022: 4 PM-5 PM

Zoom link: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/3164232249


Distribution alignment has the opposite objective of classification. While classification finds a representation that separates two distributions, alignment finds a representation that brings together two distributions. Alignment has been used in many recent machine learning applications including domain generalization, causal discovery, and fair representation learning. Despite these important applications, distribution alignment research lacks a unified and systematic conceptual framework and has primarily focused on GAN-based adversarial alignment for images. To address this gap, I will present a unifying alignment framework that encompasses alignment concepts, measures, algorithms, and applications. Specifically, I will formalize the definition of distribution alignment, develop novel non-adversarial alignment measures and algorithms, and discuss alignment applications in causal discovery and domain generalization. Ultimately, this work aims to advance the science of distribution alignment to enable the next generation of contextually aware and robust AI systems.


Prof. David I. Inouye is an assistant professor in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He leads the Probabilistic and Understandable Machine Learning Lab, which focuses on the fundamentals of distribution alignment, probabilistic models, and explainable AI. More recently, he is interested in distribution alignment including new alignment algorithms, measures, and applications such as causality and domain generalization. On the explainable AI side, he is interested in distribution shift explanations and tractable uncertainty quantification. Previously, he was a postdoc at Carnegie Mellon University working with Prof. Pradeep Ravikumar. He completed his Computer Science PhD at The University of Texas at Austin in 2017 advised by Prof. Inderjit Dhillon and Prof. Pradeep Ravikumar.  He was awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP)

Sumeet Kumar Gupta, guptask at purdue.edu, 765 494 3484

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