[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Anticipated Growth in Birck User Community

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 20 14:52:18 EDT 2021

Sent on behalf of Ron Reger

Dear Birck Faculty Colleagues,

We are anticipating solid growth in our Birck user community starting mid-Summer and extending into Fall semester.  We are seeing signs of increased graduate student enrollment, more visiting scholars & post-docs, and other new researchers who want to do process and analytical work here at Birck.  We would like to stay ahead of the curve by planning training resources to handle this possible increase in the number of Birck users.  If we know roughly when new people are coming, and how many, we can adjust our training schedules to offer more sessions to quickly and efficiently work them through the training and orientation process.

So if you're planning for new users to join your research groups I'd appreciate a quick email back to me stating when (which month) and how many users you're planning to bring on, starting in July.  We can then start scheduling additional sessions, and this will also help balance our cross training plans for maximum efficiency.

Thanks very much!


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