[Bnc-faculty-all-list] ECE and Birck Joint Web Seminar -- Speaker Professor Luna Lu September 17, 10-11am

Bhave, Sunil A bhave at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 14 12:59:20 EDT 2020


It is my great pleasure to introduce and host the second speaker of the Purdue ECE Web Seminar series: Professor Luna Lu from Purdue Civil Engineering this thursday September 17 from 10a-11am.

Luna will talk about Nanotechnology for Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications. I think the research and concepts Professor Lu will talk about are cross-cutting across all areas of ECE and will certainly stir more interdepartmental collaborations!

The Seminar is jointly hosted by Birck Nanotechnology Center.

Zoom Meeting Link: https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/5103903269

The talk abstract and Calendar entry are attached below

thank you,

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