[Bnc-faculty-all-list] student access to Scifres (only for PIs who have Zero or 1 student in Scifres so far)

Bhave, Sunil A bhave at purdue.edu
Tue Jun 23 23:19:03 EDT 2020


Over the last 4 weeks we have run a pilot program of student users in the Scifres cleanroom. PIs with high burn-rates have participated in this program.

At this point if you have Zero or 1 student approved for Scifres Pilot program, then please send me the name of 1 student you would like to get access to the Scifres cleanroom.

I am looking for 
1. experienced students who have clear-cut definitive goals to achieve
2. do not need any new equipment training
3. responsible with good temperature and excellent lab etiquette

Please send me the student name and Purdue ID.

I cannot guarantee for all PIs, but we will work hard to accomodate everyone. In general this is a rather stop-gap scenario, and we hope to get Birck and all shared lab SOPs approved soon. I expected this to happen today, but since it has not as of 11pm tonite, I am spending this email. Please send me names by 10am tomorrow morning.

thank you,

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