[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Birck Annex planning Workshop on Friday Feb. 21

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 27 17:04:33 EST 2020

Dear Colleagues ,

We will have a one-day workshop to go over the planning for the Birck Annex Building on Friday Feb. 21. This will be with Wilson, the company which has designed several state-of-the-art nanofacilities including MITnano and Harvard.

We will have six 1-hour sessions with various stakeholders between 8:30-3pm. Topics include: (A) nanoelectronics, (B) nanophotonics, (C) physics (low temperature, etc.), (D) packaging, R2R and thermo-mechanical characterization, (E)  bionano/LyoHUB, (F) surface science and electron microcopy.

It will be great if you can attend this workshop on 2/21. Please let Jaime know which session(s) would you be able to attend and if you have any conflicts?

For those who can make it, at this week's Birck faculty lunch (1/30, 12noon-1pm, Birck 2001), I will go over the background material from the Birck Annex Advisory Committee:

Thanks in advance for your time.

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