[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Tutorial today (sensors, IoT, R2R manufacturing)

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Wed May 15 05:12:35 EDT 2019

Dear All,

We will have a series of tutorials at Burton Morgan 121 later today. These are prepared by faculty in SMART industry consortium and the WHIN project. See below the details. Feel free to attend if you are interested in internet of things (IoT), data analytics, sensor networks, R2R manufacturing or bio/chemical sensors. Just let Jaime know if you plan to attend.

Best regards,

SMART Films Tutorials
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
Burton Morgan 121
9am                       Bruno Ribeiro, Machine learning applied to sensor data analytics
10am                     Saurabh Bagchi, Big data basics and security (2 hours)
12:00-12:30         Break/lunch
12:30                     Shreyas Sen,  Secure, energy-efficient IoT sensor nodes with edge-analytics
1:30pm                 Rahim Rahimi, Overview of printed ag and water sensors
2:30pm                 Miko Cakmak, Roll-to-roll manufacturing of SMART films and sensors
3:30-3:45pm       Break
3:45pm                 Lia Stanciu, Biosensors for food and healthcare
4:45pm                 Ashraf Alam, Modern trends in electrochemical sensors
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