[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Updates from BNC Faculty Meeting (June 2019)

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Tue Jun 25 05:06:35 EDT 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Please see below the topics that we discussed at the Birck Faculty meeting last Wednesday June 19th.

There are exciting new developments. We have added >$10M in new equipment and facility in the last couple of years and our faculty are bringing record level of funding. We have an opportunity to take Birck to the next level as a world-class research center. However, this won’t go very far without active participation of faculty. Unfortunately, we only had a small number of colleagues at the meeting last week. I guess the timing was not good due to conference travels, etc. Please go over the presentation and see how you and your group could contribute to build a vibrant community at Birck.

Examples of faculty engagement include coming to weekly BNC faculty lunches, lab forums or student Friday coffee hour during the academic year, participating in the planning for Birck Annex, helping to identify new state-of-the-art tools and unique capabilities that benefit multiple groups (write NSF MRI, DURIP or other instrumentation grants), taking the lead or helping new interdisciplinary initiatives that can be the basis of major center proposals (we need to build momentum before call for proposals for NSF (STC, ERC, MRSEC), DOE or similar centers or training grants are out). You can also encourage your students to participate at NSAC and their activities, display competition, outreach, etc. New Wiki tool is a great way to share comments and recipes improving our operation.

When you prepare and submit proposals through SPS, please remember to acknowledge Birck and Discovery Park for whatever % of the work which is done here. This doesn’t take any credits from your home department but it is one of the metrics that shows our activities to EVPRP.

I look forward to hear your suggestions and comments. Don’t hesitate to set up a time to meet one-to-one to go over the material below or discuss any ideas (just send me an email and cc-Jaime).


BNC Faculty Meeting June 2019
The link to the presentation material can be found at:

  *   New Staff (pp. 3-6)
  *   Planning for Birck Annex (p. 7)
  *   Parking (p.8)
  *   Update from Associate Director for Operations (pp. 9-25)
     *   Lab Forum
     *   Wiki (Training Queues, Equipment Status)
     *   Microcredentials
     *   Materials and Process Compatibility initiative
     *   New rates
     *   New equipment planning

  *   Update from Associate Director for Research (pp. 26-32)
     *   Upcoming proposal opportunities in quantum
     *   Potential partnership with Oak Ridge

  *   Updates from Research Scientists (pp. 33-39)
  *   Outreach activities (pp. 40-43)
     *   nanoDays, manufacturing camp, grand parents university
  *   NSAC activities (pp.44-45)
  *   Birck Strategic Action Plan (pp. 46-52)
     *   BNC Faculty Seminars, Imaging/Atrium Display Competition, Shark Tank Story telling Competition, Workshop on Computational and Quantum Imaging, Purdue 2050 Conference of the Future, etc.

  *   Financial Update  (pp. 53-62)
     *   New user training, Recharge income/subsidies, top users, BNC grants

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