[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Spintronics Workshop - 9/11/19, MRGN 121

Wheeldon, Annette M acheever at purdue.edu
Thu Aug 29 12:29:41 EDT 2019

Dear BNC, ECE, ME and Physics,

Please be sure to forward this email below to all faculty and grads in your area. If there is another method to circulate to those individuals, please let me know.


Dear Faculty and Grads,

We have received very few participants for the all-day Spintronics Workshop held on 9/11/19 in MRGN 121. We will have breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks that day. This is a free workshop.

Attendees should RSVP to Annie Wheeldon (acheever at purdue.edu<mailto:acheever at purdue.edu>) with any dietary restrictions or special accommodations as soon as possible.

Please share with those you think would benefit attending the conference. We hope for a successful event for Tohoku’s President Hideo Ohno and his researchers!

Thank you,

Annie Wheeldon
Administrative Assistant to the Director
Purdue Quantum Science Engineering Institute (PQSEI)
Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 W. State Street | West Lafayette, IN
Office: 765.496.7425 | Email: acheever at purdue.edu<mailto:acheever at purdue.edu>


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