[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Nanodays Volunteers Needed

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 26 16:01:01 EDT 2018

Dear Faculty,

As you know for the last several years the Birck Nanotechnology Center has hosted the NanoDays event each Spring where over 1000 local elementary and high school students come to Birck to learn about science and nanotechnology through many interactive demonstrations and exercises.  This has become a very well attended, and well received, outreach event that requires literally hundreds of volunteers to make it successful.  Every year we get scores of Purdue students to support the event, which occurs this year on April 11, 12, & 13.  April 11 is the evening session (6:00 pm - 8:00 pm) for the local Girl Scouts and Birck Families, and then April 12 & 13 are the local school students during the daytime hours.  The April 12 & 13 dates have morning sessions 9:00 - 12:00, and afternoon sessions 12:00 - 3:00.

We are in need of volunteers and ask that you encourage your students to sign up to participate.  It is not a large time commitment and is a great resume-builder that shows outreach by providing leadership to younger students in STEM.

Please encourage your students to sign up here:   http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044eabad2aa1f94-nanodays1

As a special bonus every student participant gets a free lunch and a tee-shirt!

Thank you for your support of this important annual outreach activity!


Ron Reger and Jaime Turner
Nanodays Co-Chairs

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